No-arm clamps are a type of forklift attachment that are used for handling and transporting heavy loads. These clamps attach to the forklift and allow for the safe and efficient handling of loads that are too heavy or awkward to be handled with a standard forklift. No-arm clamps are commonly used for handling paper rolls, coils, and other cylindrical loads.
No-arm clamps work by clamping onto the load with hydraulic arms. The hydraulic system is controlled by the operator, who can adjust the clamping pressure to ensure that the load is securely held in place. Once the load is clamped, the forklift can transport it to its desired location.
One of the main advantages of no-arm clamps is that they allow for the handling of loads without the need for pallets or other packaging materials. This not only saves time and money, but also reduces waste and the need for additional handling equipment.
No-arm clamps are also versatile, as they can be adjusted to handle different sizes and weights of loads. They can also be easily attached and detached from the forklift, making them convenient for use in different material handling scenarios.
In conclusion, no-arm clamps are a useful forklift attachment for handling heavy and awkward loads. They are versatile, efficient, and cost-effective, and are an essential tool for companies that handle large and heavy loads on a regular basis.
Texnik xususiyatlari
Qurolsiz mixlar
Foydalanuvchilar sizning maxsus ehtiyojlaringizga muvofiq maxsus qisqichlarni tayyorlashlari mumkin.
Maxsus talabga ega sanoat uchun javob beradi
Qurolsiz mixlar
Vazifalar va ilovalar
Qo'l siqish bu qisish moslamasi bilan jihozlanmagan, faqat qisish moslamasi asosiga ega bo'lgan siqish moslamasi. Foydalanuvchilar sizning ehtiyojlaringizga ko'ra maxsus qisqichlarni tayyorlashlari mumkin, shunchaki uni qo'lsiz qisqichga payvandlab, keyin foydalanish mumkin. Ishlov berish va yig'ish ishlari uchun maxsus talablarga ega bo'lgan sanoat uchun javob beradi.
* Tasdiqlangan mustahkam nurli alyuminiy ramka konstruktsiyasi
* Uzoq muddat xizmat qilish uchun ustunli slaydli rulman.
* Optimal qo'l tezligini aniqlash uchun regenial gidravlik valf
* Yaxshi haydovchiga ko'rinishi.
* Har xil o'rnatish sinflari mavjud
* Maxsus ochilish oralig'i
O'rnatish klassi: buyumlarni tanlash va ko'rsatmalar uchun biz bilan bog'laning!
Ism | Imkoniyatlar @ yuklash markazi | Mahsulot raqami | O'rnatish klassi | Ochilish oralig'i (mm) | Og'irligi (kg) | Arm Pad Sizse (mm) |
Armatura yo'q | Yonboshlash | |||||
1600@600 | CNS20D-002A | II | 410-1660 | 232 | 130x565x40 | |
2300@600 | CNS30D-003A | II | 465-1810 | 320 | 130x625x45 | |
2300@600 | CNS30D-003B | III | 465-1810 | 338 | 130x625x45 | |
Qaytib | ||||||
1600@600 | CNR20D-004A | II | 410-1655 | 454 | 127x565x40 | |
2300@600 | CNR30D-005A | II | 465-1810 | 536 | 125x625x45 | |
2300@600 | CNR30D-005B | III | 465-1810 | 554 | 125x65x45 |
Tez ma'lumotlar
Kelib chiqishi joyi: Fujian, Xitoy (materik)
Tovar nomi: HUAMAI
Model raqami: CNS
Material: po'lat va quyma
O'rnatish sinfi: 2A / 3A
Sertifikat: ISO9001: 2000