SW24-11forklift tipidagi engil cho'tka tozalagich sotiladi

SW24-11forklift tipidagi engil cho'tka tozalagich sotiladi

Sweep or move grain,rubbish,sand,gravel,rocks and many other materials. - Sweep materials such as plastic shrink wrap and welding wire which can't be swept with rotary brooms or vacuum sweepers. - Pre-sweep larger debris befor using your machine sweeper. - Suitable ...
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Fork yuk mashinasi forklift uchun ko'cha supuruvchi uchun biriktirma

Fork yuk mashinasi forklift uchun ko'cha supuruvchi uchun biriktirma

Sweep or move grain,rubbish,sand,gravel,rocks and many other materials. - Sweep materials such as plastic shrink wrap and welding wire which can't be swept with rotary brooms or vacuum sweepers. - Pre-sweep larger debris befor using your machine sweeper. - Suitable ...
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