Forklift qo'shimchasi, surish qo'shimchasi, forkliftni surish/tortish

Uy / Barcha qo'shimchalar / Forklift qo'shimchasi, surish qo'shimchasi, forkliftni surish/tortish

Forkliftni biriktirish, itarish moslamasi, forkliftni itarish / tortish
A push attachment for a forklift is a material handling device designed specifically for pushing heavy loads. It is attached to the forklift and helps in pushing large and heavy loads, making the movement of goods from one place to another much easier. This attachment is especially useful for handling long and narrow loads such as pipes, steel beams, and sheets.

The push attachment is made up of a plate that is attached to the forklift's tines. The plate is designed to be in contact with the load being pushed, making it easier to move the load. The attachment can be adjusted to accommodate the height of the load, making it possible to transport loads of different sizes.

This attachment is easy to install and operate. It can be easily attached to the forklift and removed when not in use. The plate can be adjusted to accommodate the size of the load being transported, and the attachment comes with hydraulic control valves that make it possible to control the speed and direction of the load.

The push attachment is ideal for handling long and narrow loads such as pipes, steel beams, and sheets. It reduces the risk of damage to the load and the environment, as it allows for precise control over the movement of the load. The attachment also helps to increase productivity by reducing the amount of time and effort required to transport the load.

In conclusion, the push attachment for a forklift is a useful tool for transporting heavy loads. It makes material handling easier, reduces the risk of damage to the load and the environment, and increases productivity. This attachment is a must-have for any company that handles long and narrow loads.

Forklift sumkasi itariladi

1, gidravlika tizimi:
silindrni piston-silindr shaklida, oddiy tuzilish, oson ishlov berish, texnik xizmat ko'rsatish;
Barcha mahsulotlarda ishlatiladigan NOK muhrlari, ishonchli sifat.

2, tarkibiy qismlar:
yuqori quvvatli plastinka qo'lini, rolikni nemis tank materiallari tomonidan import qilinadi, talablarga javob beradi;
kanca ostida o'rnatish va ishonchli sifatni osonlashtirish uchun sozlanishi.

3, mexanik xususiyatlari:
tanklar va samolyotlar korpusini, yonilg'i bakining strukturaviy po'lat birikmalarini oqilona joylashtirish,
korruptsiyaga qarshi samarali, xavfsiz va ishonchli ishlashi mumkin.


ModelYuk ko'tarish va yuklash markazi (Kg @ mm)Forklift adapteri Baffle balandligi x enAxB
Sayohatni boshlang
Vazni (kg)OT dan chiqish
Vilkalarning samarali uzunligi
H20C-B6 2000@5003-4,5t1550x1400 1400 622 255 1400
H20C-B5 2000@500 3-4,5t1800x1400 1200618 255 1400
H25C-B3 2500@500 3-4,5t1890x1600 1100 616 255 1100

Tez ma'lumotlar

Ahvoli: Yangi
Qayerda joylashgan joyi: Xiamen, Xitoy (materik)
Tovar nomi: HUAMAI
Model raqami: H20C-B1
Turi: Palletli yuk mashinasi
Quvvat sousi: Dizel dvigatel
Sertifikatlash: Idoralar
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat ko'rsatiladi: Chet elda uchinchi tomon yordami mavjud
Rang: Moslashtiring
Logo: HUAMAI yoki Customize