Mahsulot tavsifi
1. Function And Applications
HUAMAI revolving push-off applied to the carrying, loading, unloading and stacking with pallets of bagged goods (especially for soft bagged goods) such as plastic particles, cement, chemical fertilizer, fodder, rice,etc. Without manual work, the goods can be revolved 180 degree,pushed off and pallets can be taken out, being
safe, efficient and labor saving.
2. Xususiyatlar
·High safety performance is ensured for its two way hydraulic rotation within 360°and self locking at any angle.
· Yog 'trubkasi to'satdan yorilib ketgandan so'ng, tovarlarga zarar yetkazmaslik uchun xavfsizlik klapan bilan jihozlangan.
· O'rtacha dizayn, ixcham tuzilish, keng ko'rinish va texnik xizmat ko'rsatish uchun qulay.
· Gidravlik elementlar dizayn jihatidan oqilona, bardoshli va yaxshi ko'rinishga ega,
· Har bir bo'g'inga qo'llaniladigan yog'siz moylash tizimi pinlar va o'qlarni yaxshi himoya qilishni ta'minlaydi, texnik xizmat ko'rsatmaydi.
·The casting alloy steel of the folding part reduces the dead weight of no-load distance of a product and prolongs the forklift’s service life.
Katalog Order Yo'q. | O'rnatish Sinf | Open Qator | Qaytib Burchak | Side-shift Space | Push Off Distance | Vilkalar effective Uzunlik | Self Og'irligi | Samarali Qalinligi | Horiz ontal Markaz ning Gravitatsiya | |
ET | CGH | |||||||||
(kg @ mm) | (mm) | (mm) | (mm) | (mm) | (kg) | (mm) | (mm) | |||
1500@600 | RPS15D-002B | III | 900-1500 | 360 | ±100 | 1180 | 1150 | 1250 | 460 | 413 |
1500@600 | RPS15D-003B | III | 900-1500 | 360 | ±100 | 1280 | 1250 | 1320 | 460 | 422 |
2000@600 | RPS20D-002B | III | 900-1500 | 360 | ±100 | 1180 | 1150 | 1340 | 460 | 413 |
2000@600 | RPS20D-003B | III | 900-1500 | 360 | ±100 | 1280 | 1250 | 1385 | 460 | 426 |
2500@600 | RPS25D-002B | III | 900-1500 | 360 | ±100 | 1180 | 1150 | 1480 | 480 | 402 |
2500@600 | RPS25D-003B | III | 900-1500 | 360 | ±100 | 1280 | 1250 | 1540 | 480 | 415 |
3. Remarks:
1) Please get the actual comprehensive bearing capacity of forklifts and their attachments from the factory.
2) Matching this attachment requires 4 more oil circuits ,or 2 more oil circuits and 2 more electric circuit for
the forklift.
3) The various types listed above are the common products of HUAMAI, and other types of products can also
be supplied in accordance with different brands of forklifts and special working conditions.
Bizning afzalliklarimiz
Nega bizni ishonchli etkazib beruvchi sifatida tanlaymiz yoki biz bilan mahalliy diler sifatida ishlaymiz?
1. Tajribali texnik guruh, ko'proq professional xizmat
HUAMAI is made up of a team of members who have years of experience with European forklift trucks and its attachments.
2. Mahsulotning keng doirasi, tayyorlangan dizayni, to'liq echimni ta'minlaydi
HUAMAI tezda keng qamrovli gidravlik va mexanik qo'shimchalar ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan yirik kompaniyaga aylandi. Shlangi qo'shimchalarning asosiy toifalariga aylanadigan tur, toymasin qo'l turi, yonma-yon siljuvchi / mentli tip, maxsus maqsadlar turi va boshqalar kiradi.
3. Agar agentlik / diler bo'lsa, ustuvor yordam
If you a local dealer, can achieve HUAMAI agent policy support, including fast delivery time, competitive price and accessories support, ect.
4. O'z zavod, raqobatbardosh narx
Fabrikamız 10000 kvadrat metr maydonni o'z ichiga oladi, zamonaviy ishlab chiqarish uskunalari va jihozlari bilan to'liq ta'minlangan. Miqyosli ishlab chiqarish va hech qanday vositachilar xarid narxini tejashga qodir emas.
5. Bizning yaxshi ishlashimizni isbotlovchi mijozimizning ovozi va ovozi
Tez ma'lumotlar
Kelib chiqishi joyi: Fujian, Xitoy (materik)
Tovar nomi: HUAMAI
Capacity: 1500-2500kg
Mounting class: III
Opening range: 900-1500mm
Revolving Angle: 360°
Side-shift Space: ±100mm
Push Off Distance: 1180-1280mm
Forks effective Length: 1150-1250mm
Self Weight: 1250-1540kg
Yuzaki ishlov berish: Bo'yalgan
Kafolat: 12mm yoki 2000 ish vaqti