3 tonnalik forklift yuk mashinasi uchun tayanch qisqichi

Uy / Barcha qo'shimchalar / 3 tonnalik forklift yuk mashinasi uchun tayanch qisqichi

3 tonnalik forklift yuk mashinasi uchun tayanch qisqichi

Mahsulot tavsifi

1. Vazifalar va dasturlar

This series of bale clamp is suitable for 3 ton fork lift truck,which is manufactured to efficiently handle cotton, wool, synthetictextiles, scrap steel and almost any other baled product without the need for pallets.

( eg: cotton, wool, waste paper, cloth).


-The structure of T-bar arms ensure the high strength and low lost load; the aluminum frame is

light in weight andstrong enough, it's proved to be of reliability, durability.

-Enable the design of two-cylinder to perform two hydraulic functions, i.e.,clamp,open and side shift right and left. Significantly simplify the whole structure. The regenerative circuit realize the quicker opening speed without changing the hydraulic input.

-The bolt-on assembly structure demonstrate ideal interchangeability of parts, and convenience in service, low cost.

- All bearings are made of engineering plastic material, selflubricant and reliable, easy for replacement.

- Arm base is of integral welding type, good in visibility, and reliable in structural rigidity, strength as well.

-The spherical pivot link of both cylinder shell head to lug and rod end to arm base ensure the straightness of the centerline of rod and even when the arms're opened to the end while loaded, which will cause the arms bent down. Resulting in prolonged service life.


Maxsus ochilish oralig'i
Custom arm sizes
Custom arm ribbing
Har xil o'rnatish sinflari mavjud
Orqa o'rindiqlarni yuklang

Bizning afzalliklarimiz

Nega bizni ishonchli etkazib beruvchi sifatida tanlaymiz yoki biz bilan mahalliy diler sifatida ishlaymiz?

1. Tajribali texnik guruh, ko'proq professional xizmat
HUAMAI is made up of a team of members who have years of experience with European forklift trucks and its attachments.

2. Mahsulotning keng doirasi, tayyorlangan dizayni, to'liq echimni ta'minlaydi

HUAMAI tezda keng qamrovli gidravlik va mexanik qo'shimchalar ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan yirik kompaniyaga aylandi. Shlangi qo'shimchalarning asosiy toifalariga aylanadigan tur, toymasin qo'l turi, yonma-yon siljuvchi / mentli tip, maxsus maqsadlar turi va boshqalar kiradi.

3. Agar agentlik / diler bo'lsa, ustuvor yordam

If you a local dealer, can achieve HUAMAI agent policy support, including fast delivery time, competitive price and accessories support, ect.

4. O'z zavod, raqobatbardosh narx

Fabrikamız 10000 kvadrat metr maydonni o'z ichiga oladi, zamonaviy ishlab chiqarish uskunalari va jihozlari bilan to'liq ta'minlangan. Miqyosli ishlab chiqarish va hech qanday vositachilar xarid narxini tejashga qodir emas.

5. Bizning yaxshi ishlashimizni isbotlovchi mijozimizning ovozi va ovozi

Tez ma'lumotlar

Kelib chiqishi joyi: Fujian, Xitoy (materik)
Tovar nomi: HUAMAI
Capacity: 1400-2700kg
O'rnatish klassi: II / III
Opening Range: 420-2300mm
Qo'lning balandligi: 415-460 mm
Arm Length: 685-1195m
Frame Width: 940-1600mm
Arm Thickness: 70-75mm
Overall Height: 645-730mm
Self Weight: 405-730kg
Kafolat: 12mm yoki 2000 ish vaqti