Forklift bilan jihozlangan katta ochiladigan yuk ko'tarish moslamasi
Features *Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. *Superior arm-side bearing for extended service life. *Ribs provide secure grip and giver driver good tip handling and bale spinning capabilities. *Regenerative hydraulic value for optimal am speed. *High-strength all-steel structure design, always of high efficiency under continuous operation, good effect. *E-slot in the overall framework to improve the stability of product, to extend the longevity of product. *Reasonable design, nice outlook, using the world's most high-quality hydraulic components. Specification Capacity/ Load ...

Forklfit biriktirma po'lat oq 55 Gallon forklift baraban qisqichi
Xususiyatlar Forklift yuk mashinasi uchun moy barabani qisqichlari Ikki barabanni tuting Yuqori samaradorlik va tejamkorlik MOQ: 1 birlik Idoralar ISO TUV Forklift yuk mashinasi uchun moy baraban qisqichlari Funktsiyalar va ilovalar: Tashish paytida ikki yoki to'rt barabanni ishlating, xavfsiz va ishonchli mahkamlashni ta'minlang, ishlov berish samaradorligini oshiring . Yog ', neft-kimyo va oziq-ovqat sanoati kabi shisha yuklarni yig'ish operatsiyalarida keng qo'llaniladi. Xususiyatlari: Xizmat muddatini uzaytirish uchun yuqori qo'l yonli podshipnik. Kam energiya sarfi bilan optimal qo'l tezligi uchun regenerativ gidravlik valf. Haydovchining yaxshi ko'rinishi va xavfsiz ...

1.2ton Side Shifting Karton qisqichlari
Mahsulot ta'rifi 1,2 tonnalik forklift biriktirgichi yon tomonga siljimaydigan karton qisqichlar (G09B12) Texnik xususiyatlari Uy ilovalari, maishiy elektronika, qadoqlangan oziq-ovqatlar, kimyoviy va plastmassalar uchun palletsiz ishlov berishda ishlatiladi Karton qisqichlar Ilovalar: Uy ilovalari, maishiy elektronika, qadoqlangan oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini palletsiz ishlov berishda ishlatiladi , kimyoviy va plastmassa Xususiyatlar: To'liq po'latdan yasalgan mustahkam konstruktsiya, yuqori samaradorlik bilan uzluksiz ishlash talablariga javob beradi. E-Style-Slot ramkasi mukammal barqarorlik va uzoqroq ishlash muddatini ta'minlaydi. Ikkala qisqich qo'llariga bir nechta kauchuk yostiqchalar o'rnatilishi, osongina almashtirilishi, texnik xizmat ko'rsatish xarajatlarini kamaytiradi. O'rtacha dizayn bilan ...

Forklift assessories forklift g'isht qisqichlari blok qisqichlari
Product Advantages Shantui 3 ton forklift brick clamp China Xinchai c490 engine equipment with China Xinchai C490 engine, hydraulic transmission,USA EATON hydraulic assisted steering valve,SHIMADZU oil pump,full suspension chassis.It is widely used to handing all kinds of goods,such as pallet,steel,brick etc.Shantui has cooperated with KOMATSU more than 30 years,all the product was made under KOMATSU standard. Engine Model XINCHAI C490 Rated Output 40/2650 Kw/rpm Rated Torque 165/1800 N·m/rpm No.of cylinder 4 Bore×stroke 90×105 mm Displacement 2.7 L Dimensions Lifting Height ...

Xitoyning gidravlik samarali yuk ko'taruvchi mashinasi qo'shimchalari ko'p maqsadli qisqich
Specifications Hydraulic efficient forklift truck attachments multi purpose clamp MOQ: 1 unit Material: steel manufacturer Hydraulic efficient forklift truck attachments multi purpose clamp FUNCTIONS & APPLICATION Multi purpose clamp can efficiently and economically handle almost any tyoe of paper carton,wooden carton,metal carton and baled products without workplatform including tobacco,newsprint, chemical fiber,workshop and port,etc. FEATURES: Proven durable T-beam arm and aluminum alloy frame constructio Regenerative hydraulic valving for optimal arm speed Superior arm-slide bearing for extended service life Vulcanized rubber pads ...

Forklift blokli qisqichlar yoki g'ishtli mixlar 2,5t
Product Description Forklift attachments 1. Proven and well designed arms and T-shape arm bars ensure smooth moving and good durability. 2. Special designed check valve provide sideshifting without the third cylinder. 3. Low profile frame for good visibility over the clamp. 4. Superior slide bearing promises extended service life. 5. High quality PU/Nylon contact pads to ensure reliable clamping. 6. Regenerative hydraulic valve for optimal arm speed. 7. 2 pieces of truck auxiliary valves are necessary. 140bar≤ Working Pressure ≤ ...

Forklift yuk mashinasi uchun karton qisqichi, forkliftni biriktirish uchun karton qisqichi, karton tutqichi.
Carton clamps and appliance clamps box handling clamps sideshifting operation box clamp attachment Sideshift Carton Clamp introduction. Carton clamps and appliance clamps are often used for handling appliances, cased product and large-surface goods. Such as consumer paper products, household appliance, consumer electronics, wine packaged foods (canned or boxed), chemicals or plastics. The rubber-coated pads distribute the clamping pressure evenly over the entire surface of the goods allowing safe and damage-free handling. Thin pads also allow optimal use of storage an ...

1.6ton Forklift Ilovasi Karton qisqichlari
Mahsulot ta'rifi 1,6 tonnalik forklift qo'shimchasi Karton qisqichlar (G09B16) Texnik xususiyatlari Uy ilovalari, maishiy elektronika, qadoqlangan oziq-ovqat, kimyoviy va plastmassalarga palletsiz ishlov berishda qo'llaniladi Karton qisqichlar Ilovalar: Uy ilovalari, maishiy elektronika, qadoqlangan oziq-ovqat, kimyoviy va plastmassalarni paletsiz ishlov berishda ishlatiladi Xususiyatlari: To'liq po'latdan yasalgan mustahkam konstruktsiya, yuqori samaradorlik bilan uzluksiz ishlash talablariga javob beradi. E-Style-Slot ramkasi mukammal barqarorlik va uzoqroq ishlash muddatini ta'minlaydi. Ikkala qisqich qo'llariga bir nechta kauchuk yostiqchalar o'rnatilishi, osongina almashtirilishi, texnik xizmat ko'rsatish xarajatlarini kamaytiradi. Ishonchli dunyo bilan oqilona dizayn ...

Yon siljish bilan karton qisqichlar
Product Description Niuil 3 ton Diesel Forklift Truck Information 1. Engine: 3 ton diesel forklift price with Japanese ISUZU and YANMAR engine 2. Lift height: 3.0m, 3.5m, 4m, 4.5m, 5m and 6m 3. Using TCM technology, Diesel/Gasoline/LPG engine are optional 4. Mast: 2-stage wide-view mast, 2-stage free lift mast and 3-stage free lift mast 5. Side shift: China brand 6. Tire: Solid tire, White non-marking tire, Double front tire 7. Optional closed compartment design for special customer needs 8. Optional ...

Forkliftli yuk mashinasi uchun samarali gidravlik aylanadigan balet qisqichi
Bale clamp efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled products including contton,wool,synthetic,textile bales,corrugated,newsprint,rag,hay,metal and other scrap bales.High efficiency and economy to handle in without work platform condition. Application: -Used to handle bales or blocks -Lateral sliding arm design for smooth clamping and sideshifting functions -Found in paper mills,paper converters,recycling industries and any other industries that needs to handle bales -Come in wide range of opening and arm lengths -Standard C-series Bale Clamp to handle normal bales like waste ...

2.5. Yon siljish bilan tonna bale qisqich
Product Description 2.5. Ton Bale Clamp with Side Shifting (G04S25) Specifications Forklift attachements--Paper Roll Clamps is of High-strength all-steel structure design, 360two-way rotation and nice outlook Bale Clamps Applications: Used in palletless handling of pulp bates, cotton, wool, waste paper and other elastic & deformed operations. Features: Rugged all-steel construction, meet the requirements for continuous operation with high efficiency. E-style-Slot frame provides excellent stability and longer operating life. Reasonable design with dependable world top quality hydraulic components. Product series: Non-sideshifting ...

3ton Forklift uchun 2.2ton Beyl qisqich
Mahsulot ta'rifi 3 tonnalik forklift uchun 2,2 tonna balya qisqichi (G04R22) Texnik xususiyatlari Forklift qo'shimchalari - Qog'oz rulo qisqichlari yuqori quvvatli to'liq po'lat konstruktsiyaga ega, 360 ikki tomonlama aylanish va chiroyli ko'rinishga ega Balya qisqichlari Ilovalar: pulpalarni paletsiz ishlov berishda ishlatiladi , paxta, jun, makulatura va boshqa elastik va deformatsiyalangan operatsiyalar. Xususiyatlari: To'liq po'latdan yasalgan mustahkam konstruktsiya, yuqori samaradorlik bilan uzluksiz ishlash talablariga javob beradi. E-style-Slot ramka mukammal barqarorlik va uzoq ishlash muddatini ta'minlaydi. Ishonchli dunyoning yuqori sifatli gidravlik komponentlari bilan oqilona dizayn. Mahsulotlar seriyasi: Yon tomonga siljimaydigan ...

Uzunligi 1220 mm bo'lgan aylanadigan vilkalar qisqichi 2-sinf
Fork clamps can be used to hold the goods to carry on 360 degree continuous rotation,and can be used to transfer the goods from the high-end production tray to the cheaper transport tray, can be used to transfer the goods from the high-end production to a cheaper transport tray, thereby saving the tray cost. Videos Capacity@ Load Center (kg@mm) Catalog Mounting Class Opening Range (mm) Fork Length(A)(mm) Frame Width(mm) Vertical Center of Gravity(CGV) (mm) Horizontal Center of Gravity (CGH) (mm) ...

2-sinf uzunligi 1220 mm bo'lgan forkliftni biriktiruvchi rotatorli vilkalar qisqichi
Description Fork clamps can be used to hold the goods to carry on 360 degree continuous rotation,and can be used to transfer the goods from the high-end production tray to the cheaper transport tray, can be used to transfer the goods from the high-end production to a cheaper transport tray, thereby saving the tray cost. Capacity@ Load Center (kg@mm) Catalog Mounting Class Opening Range (mm) Fork Length(A)(mm) Frame Width(mm) Vertical Center of Gravity(CGV) (mm) Horizontal Center of Gravity (CGH) (mm) ...

Sotish uchun forklift karton qisqichi
Supply Forklift Carton Clamp Our company can supply a wide range of bale clamps for all applications; pulp, waste paper, cotton, tobacco, foam and more. A variety of capacities, opening ranges and arm finishes will ensure that you get the right model for your application. Forklift Standards 3.0Ton Diesel Forklift Truck 2 stage , Hydraulic transmission (Automatic), 1.22M fork, China Engine 490BPG,Penumatic tyre, Maintenance Free Battery. Seat with safety belt & steady bar Warning light Options Mast: 2-stage 3.3m/3.5m/4mmast; 3-stage4.5m/5m/5.5m/6m/7.3mmast ...

Xitoy etkazib beruvchisi, 3 tonna vilkalar ko'tarish uchun yuk mashinasi qisqichlari
Features Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. Superior arm-side bearing for extended service life. Regenerative hydraulic valuing for optimal arm speed. Excellent driver visibility. Specification Model Capacity @ Load Center /kg@mm Mounting Class Opening Range /mm Fork Length /mm Frame Width /mm Overall Height /mm Vertical Center of Gravity /mm Weight /kg Effective Thickness /mm Horizontal Center of Gravity/mm CFR20D-101A 1600@600 II 410-1660 915 940 775 280 561 287 188 CFR20D-102A 1600@600 II 410-1660 1065 940 775 275 579 ...

Qog'oz rulonli qisqichlar biriktirilishi bilan 3 tonna dizel forkliftli yuk mashinasi
Specifications Load capacity 3000 kg 6613.9 lb Load center 500 mm 19.7 in Power type Diesel Diesel Max. lifting speeds(with load) 400mm/s 0.18 mph Max. driving speeds(with/without load) 18/20km/h 11.2/12.4 mph Max towering (with load) 15.5/10.5kn 15.5/10.5kn Grade ability (with load) 15/20 % 15/20 % Lifting height (H1) 3000mm 118.1 in Free lift 80 mm 3.15 in Tilting angles(forward α-backward β) 6°/12° 6°/12° Min. turning radius 2500mm 98.4 in Min. Right angle aisle width 2110mm 83.1 in Min. under-clearance 135mm ...

Forklift qo'shimchalari 360 aylanish bitta qo'lli qog'ozli rulonli qisqichlar
Product Description forklift attachments 360 Rotation Single Arm Paper Roll Clamps Function 360 degree paper roll clamps are applied to transporting and stacking all kinds of paper roll effectively and safelyin paper making, printing, packing industry, etc. Features: v Rational designed, compact structure, excellent driver visibility, easy operating, improve work efficiency. v Thin arm profile and smooth arm contour eases roll break out and permits close stacking. v Contact pads with integral casting structure, abrasion resistance, and long service life ...

Forklift qo'shimchalari Pulpa Bale qisqichlari
Product Description 3.5ton diesel forklift truck 1. Seat on type opertaion; 2. Engine option: ISUZU, NISSAN, XINGCHANG,YANMAR; 3. 3-6M lifting height, duplex/triplex/container mast; 4. Different lengths forks and solid tyres is optional; 5. Wide vision mast, soft and comfortable design. Character 1. Strong Power System 2. Wide-view Mast 3. Unique Overhead Guard Design 4. Low Non-slip Pedal 5. Adjustable Safety Seat 6.Solid-state LCD Digital meter 7. Eco-friendly Design 8. Adjustable Steering Wheel specifiction Videos Our Services forklift attachments pulp bale ...

Forklift bilan aylanuvchi fork yuk mashinasi
Features *Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. *Superior arm-side bearing for extended service life. *Ribs provide secure grip and giver driver good tip handling and bale spinning capabilities. *Regenerative hydraulic value for optimal am speed. *High-strength all-steel structure design, always of high efficiency under continuous operation, good effect. *E-slot in the overall framework to improve the stability of product, to extend the longevity of product. *Reasonable design, nice outlook, using the world's most high-quality hydraulic components. Specification Capacity/ Load ...