Inverting va demping yuklari uchun oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini qayta ishlash va ishlab chiqarishda ishlatiladigan texnik xususiyatlar. Rotatorlar ikki yo'nalishda 360 ta aylanma harakatni qo'shadi. Ilovalar: Inverting va demping yuklarini ishlab chiqarishda va qayta ishlashda ishlatiladi. Rotatorlar yuk mashinalari vilkalariga har ikki yo'nalishda ham 360 ° aylanadigan harakatni qo'shadilar. Xususiyatlari: po'latdan yasalgan po'latdan yasalgan qurilish yuqori samaradorlik bilan doimiy ishlash talablariga javob beradi. 360 ° Ikkala yo'nalishda ham aylanadigan harakat. Dunyoning eng yaxshi sifatli gidravlik komponentiga ega oqilona dizayn. Izoh: Yuk mashinasida talab qilinadigan bitta qo'shimcha gidravlika davri. Vilkalar chiqarib tashlandi. Talablarga muvofiq ixtiyoriy vilkalar. Ro'yxatda keltirilgan barcha mahsulotlar standart modellardir, maxsus mahsulotlar batafsil talablarga muvofiq taqdim etilishi mumkin.
Sotish uchun aylanadigan vilkalar bilan forklift
Specifications Used in food processing and manufacturing for inverting and dumping loads. Rotators add 360 revolving motion, in both direction Applications: Used in food processing and manufacturing for inverting and dumping loads. Rotators add 360° Revolving motion, in both directions, to truck forks. Features: Rugged all-steel construction, meet the requirements for continuous operation with high efficiency. 360° Revolving motion, in both directions. Reasonable design with dependable world top quality hydraulic component. Note: One additional hydraulic circuits required on truck. Forks ...
Qog'ozni bosib chiqarish uchun folklift 45f qog'ozli rulonli qisqich
Qog'ozni bosib chiqarish uchun folklift 45f qog'ozli rulonli qisqich
Features 1. Hydraulic systems: the main control valve in the load to maintain valve adopts imported products; seals are imported products; high-pressure hose with cone seal, high-performance hose. 2. Structural parts: the left and right plates with Q460 high-performance steel plates, and pressure by the overall shape and the correction is made; channel while using the imported product. 3. Mechanical performance: Built-in lateral feature, you can also achieve clamping / opening and lateral function and good vision; additional oil line ...
Gidravlik forklift 25f qog'ozli rulonli qisqichlar gipsokarton yuzasida ishlatiladi
Gidravlik forklift 25f qog'ozli rulonli qisqichlar gipsokarton yuzasida ishlatiladi
Features 1.Hydraulic systems: the main control valve in the load to maintain valve adopts imported products; seals are imported products; high-pressure hose with cone seal, high-performance hose. 2.Structural parts: the left and right plates with Q460 high-performance steel plates, and pressure by the overall shape and the correction is made; channel while using the imported product. 3.Mechanical performance: Built-in lateral feature, you can also achieve clamping / opening and lateral function and good vision; additional oil line can meet the ...
20 soatlik qog'oz rulosi
20 soatlik qog'oz rulosi
Features 1.Hydraulic systems: the main control valve in the load to maintain valve adopts imported products; seals are imported products; high-pressure hose with cone seal, high-performance hose. 2.Structural parts: the left and right plates with Q460 high-performance steel plates, and pressure by the overall shape and the correction is made; channel while using the imported product. 3.Mechanical performance: Built-in lateral feature, you can also achieve clamping / opening and lateral function and good vision; additional oil line can meet the ...