Forklift yon qirralari uchun joylashtiruvchi qo'shimchalari

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Forklift yon qirralari uchun joylashtiruvchi qo'shimchalari


Yanal yog 'silindrli pistonli novda, ajralmas tuzilish oddiy, oson ishlov berish, texnik xizmat ko'rsatish;

Controllable pitch oil cylinder is equipped with the throttle valve,adjustable pallet fork adjust speed, sealers adopt NOK series of products, quality is reliable.

Mexanik ishlash: vilkalar nozik po'latdan foydalanadi, zarar etkazish oson emas, tayanch biriktirgichi, ixcham tuzilishi, engil og'irligi, oson o'rnatish va pallet vilkalar uchun yopiq vaqt oralig'i kichikroq.


Forkliftning haqiqiy hajmini va yuk mashinasini ishlab chiqaruvchidan oling,

Ikkita to'plam forkliftda qo'shimcha yog 'davri kerak

Vilkalar sozlanishi oralig'i: uning minimal valfi vilkalar yopilganda ichki bo'shliqdir. Uning maksimal diapazoni - vilkalar ochilganda tashqi bo'shliq. Yon tomondagi diapazonlar: +/- 100 mm.


Moddiy tarqatish, omborxona va ishlab chiqarish sohalarida qo'llaniladigan forklift
haydovchi yaxshi va keng ko'rish bilan vilkalar oralig'ini aniq sozlaydi


Tez ma'lumotlar

Kelib chiqishi joyi: Fujian, Xitoy (materik)
Tovar nomi: HUAMAI
Model Number: Fork Positioner Attachment
Product name: Promotion Hydraulic Forkllit Fork Positioner Attachment
Rang: qora, ko'k yoki odatiy
Xususiyat: yuqori samaradorlik, past shovqin
Xarakterli: tez va oson o'rnatish
Sertifikatlash: CQC, Idoralar, SIQ, COC, TUV
odatiy: qabul qilinadi (tonnaga qarab sozlanadi)
Og'irligi: 182 kg
Turi: Palletli yuk mashinasi
Quvvat sousi: Dizel dvigatel
Ahvoli: Yangi

A forklift sideshifting fork positioner attachment is a tool that allows the operator to shift the forks to the side, making it easier to handle and transport loads in tight spaces or areas with limited access. The attachment is attached to the forklift and can be adjusted to accommodate different size and shapes of loads.

The sideshifting fork positioner works by hydraulic arms that can be adjusted to clamp onto the load and secure it in place. The hydraulic system is controlled by the operator, who can adjust the clamping pressure to ensure that the load is securely held. The sideshifting feature allows the operator to easily position the load where it is needed.

One of the main advantages of the sideshifting fork positioner attachment is its versatility. It can handle a wide range of loads, including pallets, drums, pipes, and more. It can also be easily attached and detached from the forklift, making it convenient for use in different material handling scenarios.

Another advantage of the sideshifting fork positioner is its ability to handle heavy loads. It allows for safe and efficient handling of heavy loads, reducing the risk of injury and damage to the load and the environment. The sideshifting feature also makes it easier to position the load in tight spaces or areas with limited access.

In conclusion, the forklift sideshifting fork positioner attachment is a useful tool for handling and transporting various types of loads. It is versatile, efficient, and cost-effective, and is an essential tool for companies that handle heavy loads on a regular basis.

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