Mahsulot tavsifi
1. Applications:
Forklift Paper Roll Clamp,as one kind of material handling equipment meeting the needs of industries from stevedoring to printing for damage free roll handling with maximum efficiency.
2. Features:
-Thin arm profile and smooth arm greatly eases roll breakout and permits close stacking.
-Continuous 360 degree rotation,any angle position of lock function,revolving positing 90degree or 180 degree.
-Hydraulic retention of cylinder valves is to ensure reliable lamping of long distance transportation.
3. Specifications of Paper Roll Clamp material handling equipment
Imkoniyatlar | SUM | Katalog | Turi | O'rnatish | O'rnatish | Uzoq | Qisqa | Uzoq | Og'irligi | Samarali | Gorizontal |
Qator | Buyurtma raqami | Sinf | Burchak | Qurol | Qurol | Qurol | Qalinligi | Markazi | |||
Qalinligi | Uzunlik | Qalinligi | Gravitatsiya | ||||||||
(kg) | (mm) | A (mm) | C (mm) | B (mm) | (kg) | ET (mm) | CGH (mm) | ||||
1200 | 410-1300 | RCF15F-013A | A | II | 0 ° | 790 | 580 | 330 | 354 | 135 | 221 |
1300 | 330-1150 | RCF15F-014A | A | II | 0 ° | 685 | 515 | 330 | 343 | 135 | 216 |
1100 | 450-1500 | RCF15F-015A | A | II | 1.5° | 890 | 680 | 330 | 435 | 150 | 270 |
1000 | 560-1600 | RCF15F-016A | A | II | 1.5° | 940 | 730 | 330 | 455 | 150 | 290 |
2000 | 250-1300 | RCP20F-001A | A | II | 0 ° | 825 | 570 | 45 | 677 | 197 | 287 |
2000 | 250-1300 | RCP20F-001B | B | III | 0 ° | 825 | 570 | 45 | 690 | 237 | 325 |
2000 | 630-1300 | RCF20F-002A | A | II | 0 ° | 825 | 570 | 45 | 667 | 197 | 282 |
2000 | 630-1300 | RCF20F-002B | A | III | 0 ° | 825 | 570 | 45 | 681 | 237 | 320 |
2000 | 250-1500 | RCP20F-003A | B | II | 0 ° | 955 | 775 | 95 | 751 | 197 | 283 |
2000 | 250-1500 | RCP20F-003B | B | III | 0 ° | 955 | 775 | 95 | 765 | 237 | 307 |
2000 | 530-1500 | RCF20F-004A | A | II | 0 ° | 955 | 775 | 95 | 744 | 197 | 280 |
2000 | 530-1500 | RCF20F-004B | A | III | 0 ° | 955 | 775 | 95 | 758 | 237 | 304 |
2000 | 630-1600 | RCF20F-005A / B | A | II / III | 0 ° | 955 | 775 | 95 | 755 | 183/216 | 301 |
2000 | 350-1600 | RCP20F-006A / B | B | II / III | 0 ° | 955 | 775 | 95 | 765 | 183/216 | 304 |
1700 | 680-1830 | RCF20F-007A | A | III | 0 ° | 1130 | 930 | 115 | 880 | 239 | 445 |
1700 | 380-1830 | RCP20F-008B | B | III | 0 ° | 1130 | 930 | 115 | 886 | 239 | 445 |
2700 | 330-1350 | RCP30F-009B | B | III | 0 ° | 850 | 570 | 65 | 759 | 198 | 272 |
2700 | 590-1350 | RCF30F-012B | A | III | 0 ° | 850 | 570 | 65 | 752 | 198 | 272 |
2700 | 250-1520 | RCP30F-011B | B | III | 0 ° | 955 | 685 | 50 | 830 | 198 | 307 |
2700 | 560-1520 | RCF30F-010B | A | III | 0 ° | 955 | 685 | 50 | 823 | 198 | 307 |
2000 | 250-1300 | RCS20D-001A | C | II | 0 ° | 825 | 560 | 45 | 717 | 197 | 269 |
2000 | 250-1300 | RCS20D-001B | C | III | 0 ° | 825 | 560 | 45 | 731 | 237 | 307 |
2700 | 250-1300 | RCS30D-002A | C | II | 0 ° | 845 | 570 | 70 | 854 | 203 | 277 |
2700 | 250-1300 | RCS30S-002B | C | III | 0 ° | 845 | 570 | 70 | 858 | 198 | 272 |
3500 | 250-1520 | RCP35F-001B | B | III | 0 ° | 1000 | 670 | 65 | 1190 | 218 | 320 |
3500 | 250-1520 | RCP35F-001C | B | IV | 0 ° | 1000 | 670 | 65 | 1199 | 218 | 320 |
3500 | 610-1520 | RCF35F-002B | B | III | 0 ° | 1000 | 670 | 65 | 1180 | 218 | 320 |
3500 | 610-1520 | RCF35F-002C | B | IV | 0 ° | 1000 | 670 | 65 | 1190 | 218 | 320 |
2700 | 360-1830 | RCP35F-003B | B | III | 0 ° | 1165 | 810 | 65 | 1289 | 218 | 353 |
2700 | 360-1830 | RCP35F-003C | B | IV | 0 ° | 1165 | 810 | 65 | 1298 | 218 | 353 |
2700 | 635-1830 | RCF35F-004B | A | III | 0 ° | 1165 | 810 | 65 | 1280 | 218 | 353 |
2700 | 635-1830 | RCF35F-004C | A | IV | 0 ° | 1165 | 810 | 65 | 1289 | 218 | 353 |
4000 | 250-1300 | RCP35F-007B | B | III | 0 ° | 875 | 575 | 65 | 1146 | 218 | 295 |
4000 | 250-1300 | RCP35F-007C | B | IV | 0 ° | 875 | 575 | 65 | 1155 | 218 | 295 |
4000 | 560-1300 | RCF35F-008B | A | III | 0 ° | 875 | 575 | 65 | 1137 | 218 | 295 |
4000 | 560-1300 | RCF35F-008C | A | IV | 0 ° | 875 | 575 | 65 | 1146 | 218 | 295 |
4100 | 250-1520 | RCP45F-001C | B | IV | 0 ° | 965 | 680 | 85 | 1294 | 198 | 310 |
4100 | 530-1520 | RCF45F-002C | A | IV | 0 ° | 965 | 680 | 85 | 1285 | 198 | 310 |
3400 | 360-1830 | RCP45F-003C | B | IV | 0 ° | 1105 | 815 | 85 | 1385 | 198 | 338 |
3400 | 660-1830 | RCF45F-004C | A | IV | 0 ° | 1105 | 815 | 85 | 1376 | 198 | 338 |
2700 | 450-2200 | RCP45F-005C | B | IV | 0 ° | 1305 | 915 | 85 | 1490 | 198 | 380 |
2700 | 850-2200 | RCF45F-006C | A | IV | 0 ° | 1305 | 915 | 85 | 1480 | 198 | 380 |
4500 | 250-1300 | RCP45F-007C | B | IV | 0 ° | 900 | 565 | 85 | 1242 | 198 | 284 |
4500 | 560-1300 | RCF45F-008C | A | IV | 0 ° | 900 | 565 | 85 | 1233 | 198 | 284 |
4. Options and Accessories:
Custom designed opening ranges.
Positioned short arm or fixed short arm.
Split long arm.
Special pads
Bizning afzalliklarimiz
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1. Tajribali texnik guruh, ko'proq professional xizmat
HUAMAI is made up of a team of members who have years of experience with European forklift trucks and its attachments.
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HUAMAI tezda keng qamrovli gidravlik va mexanik qo'shimchalar ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan yirik kompaniyaga aylandi. Shlangi qo'shimchalarning asosiy toifalariga aylanadigan tur, toymasin qo'l turi, yonma-yon siljuvchi / mentli tip, maxsus maqsadlar turi va boshqalar kiradi.
3. Agar agentlik / diler bo'lsa, ustuvor yordam
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5. Bizning yaxshi ishlashimizni isbotlovchi mijozimizning ovozi va ovozi
Tez ma'lumotlar
Kelib chiqishi joyi: Fujian, Xitoy (materik)
Tovar nomi: HUAMAI
Model Number: HUAMAI-Hydraulic-1.7-4.5T Paper Roll Clamp
Imkoniyatlar: 1700-4500kg
Roll range: 250-1830mm
Mounting class: II/III/IV
Long arm length: 825-1305mm
Short arm length: 560-915mm
Long arm thickness: 45-115mm
Weight: 677-1490kg
Yuzaki ishlov berish: Bo'yalgan
Asosiy qismlar: jahon miqyosida
Kafolat: 12mm yoki 2000 ish vaqti