1. Eaton kuchli gidravlik vosita.
2. Aylanish momenti-Yaxshi moment, yukning silliq va ijobiy aylanishini ta'minlaydi.
3. Forklift qutisi va dvigatel forklift haydovchisiga maksimal ko'rinishni ta'minlash uchun taglikning tagiga joylashtirilgan.
4. Og'ir vaznli vites qutisi va aylanadigan rulman yuqori xizmat muddatini ta'minlaydi.
5.1 piece of truck auxiliary valve is necessary. 140bar≤ Working Pressure ≤ 180bar.
6. M18X1.5-74 ° murvatini o'rnatish (konkav); Tavsiya etilgan Shlangi quvur ichki diametri = 10mm (3/8 '').
7. Agar so'ralmasa, rotatorlar vilkalarsiz yuboriladi!
Imkoniyatlar @ Yuklash markazi | Model | Sinf | Arava Kengligi (B) (mm) | Maxsus kenglik (mm) | CGV (mm) | CGH (mm) | ET (mm) | Xizmat Og'irligi (kg) |
1600@500 | RT-25M-A01 | 2 | 970 | 860 | 312 | 65 | 132 | 181 |
1600@500 | RT-25M-A02 | 2 | 1040 | 930 | 310 | 65 | 132 | 290 |
2500@500 | RT-25M-A11 | 2 | 1040 | 930 | 262 | 86 | 170 | 290 |
2500@500 | RT-25M-A12 | 2 | 1100 | 990 | 262 | 90 | 170 | 297 |
3500@500 | RT-35M-B01 | 3 | 1100 | 990 | 285 | 122 | 248 | 310 |
3500@500 | RT-35M-B02 | 3 | 1200 | 1090 | 285 | 128 | 248 | 317 |
4500@500 | RT-50M-B01 | 3 | 1200 | 1090 | 285 | 126 | 248 | 320 |
4500@500 | RT-50M-B02 | 3 | 1380 | 1260 | 285 | 132 | 248 | 337 |
5400@600 | RT-70M-C01 | 4 | 1200 | 1090 | 372 | 115 | 275 | 570 |
5400@600 | RT-70M-C02 | 4 | 1535 | 1420 | 372 | 118 | 275 | 615 |
Asosiy ma'lumotlar
Model NO.: RT-25M RT-35M RT-50M RT-70
Style: Single Face
Type: Material Handling
Power: Forklift Attachments
Texnik xususiyatlari: Ec, ISO
HS Code: 843120
Material: po'lat
Driving: Hydraulic Motor
Load Capacity: 1~10t
Trademark: MIK
Kelib chiqishi: Xitoy
When purchasing a forklift rotator attachment, it is important to consider the following factors:
Compatibility: Make sure the rotator attachment is compatible with your forklift model and capacity.
Type of rotator: Choose the type of rotator that best fits your material handling needs.
Quality and durability: Look for a rotator attachment that is made with high-quality materials and is designed to last.
Customer service and support: Choose a supplier that offers good customer service and support, in case you need help with installation or maintenance.
It is also a good idea to read reviews and do research on the different types of forklift rotator attachments available, to get a better idea of what each one offers and what might work best for your needs.
In conclusion, purchasing a forklift rotator attachment is a smart investment for companies that handle heavy loads on a regular basis. It can help to increase efficiency, reduce the risk of injury and damage, and save time and money in the long run.